The Katzenjammer Kids and or The Captain and the Kids animated cartoons from 1938 from the newspaper comic strip. Mama and der Captain are both wooden and vintage where as Hans and Fritz are not – Characters originally created by Rudolph Dirks in 1897 for American Humorist a Sunday supplement of the New York Journal paper strips figures 2013 screen grab Friz Freleng MGM
Posted by Brechtbug on 2013-02-04 21:04:05
Tagged: , The , Katzenjammer , Kids , or , Captain , animated , cartoons , from , 1938 , newspaper , comic , strip. , Mama , der , both , wooden , vintage , where , Hans , Fritz , Characters , originally , created , by , Rudolph , Dirks , 1897 , for , American , Humorist , Sunday , supplement , New , York , Journal , paper , strips , figures , 2013 , screen , grab , Friz , Freleng , MGM