Contains more than 16,000 phytonutrients or anti-oxidants.
these are anti-cancer, anti-cholesterol ,anti-diabetes, anti-stress, anti-arthritis, anti-rheumatism, anti-inflamatory, anti-heart attack, anti-aging, it is the first line of defence against diseases.It has 29 vitamins and minerals, it has 12 whole fruits juice blends, it has 12 whole vegetables blends, it has 12 myco defence mushroom blends, it has 12 green foods + spirulina blends, it has 10 (EFA) essential fatty acid, it has 5 citrus bioflavonoid complex, it has 12 digestive enzymes.
Posted by fortune2010 on 2009-08-29 00:55:08
Tagged: , no. , 1 , food , supplement