Your hands
and the texture of your skin,
the wrinkles in your face
and stretch marks on your thigh,
the marks that make your bones
in every part of your body and
the folds in your tummy…
– Body is a temple.
Rewind | It took me one month to upload this photo, I felt anxiety on how people could react to a nude body.
The other day I was telling this stuff to my best friend and told her that maybe I just make videos and photos of my hands dancing because is the only part of our body that can´t really look as sexual content.
We are forbidden, stupid how woman nipples are not allowed on instagram but man can.
How society always judge others people body making opinions on how you should treat your own home (your body). Eat less, eat more, cover yourself, uncover more,…nonsense opinions appear.
They think that they can tell you you´re too skinny and you need to eat but they wont tell to an obese person because "that would be rude", filters that you think are not needed.
Funny right? How many thoughts appear when seeing myself completely naked on a social media.
I know some people might think I´m overstressing about it but I´m sure I´m not the only one who think twice to upload this kind of content. And not only being naked, also showing a bit more, looking too sexy or with too many layers in your body. You think twice. And thinking twice represents how distorted the society is.
You can´t really feel completely free with your own home because you will find always opinions. I know opinions shouldn´t matter to us but it affects on how the world go round.
Posted by FerGG. on 2020-05-30 21:28:29
left beside my desk on Monday morning Posted by artethgray on 2010-08-03 19:19:32 Tagged: ,…