I’m worried.
I’m stressed.
I feel like i’m too big for my skin.
like I’m burning, ripping apart.
I’m worried about the fall semester.
worried about money.
worried about cars.
worried about losing people.
worried about losing myself.
worried about falling…..
worried about being transparent.
worried about being forgotten.
worried and angry and scared and disgusted and fed up and a mess of things that I can’t even describe.
people will say that things will work out, that everything will be alright.
people will say not to worry but you know what: I just worry more.
what if things aren’t alright?
what if they’re never going to be alright?
what if life is just a mess of nothings and everything’s?
everything scares me.
being alive scares me.
Posted by little gypsy soul on 2011-05-07 06:54:42
Tagged: , self , worry , anxiety , same , nothing
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