Macro Mondays – theme: "staying healthy"
Shot notes: Not much time for a photo this week, so devised a quick setup using just a single, point-source light… a flashlight. Flashlight was about 1 m behind the subjects and about 0.5 m above the table surface. There was a small white reflector card on either side of the capsules. I wanted the starbursts in the specular highlights, so stopped down to f/13. Camera on a tripod, of course, for 1/20 sec.
Posted by MyArtistSoul on 2017-08-06 23:50:56
Tagged: , trio , three , vitamin , D3 , supplement , golden , yellow , transluscent , backlighted , bokeh , starburst , glow , refractions , reflections , shadow , dramatic , textures , curves , oval , black background , close-up , macro , minimal , simple , square , [7624] , MacroMondays , staying healthy