This image is excerpted from a U.S. GAO report:
MEMORY SUPPLEMENTS: Clarifying FDA and FTC Roles Could Strengthen Oversight and Enhance Consumer Awareness
a) Dietary supplement sales includes all sales, including memory supplements.
Posted by U.S. GAO on 2017-06-30 15:20:57
Tagged: , GAO , Government Accountability Office , U.S. Government Accountability Office , usgao , United States Government Accountability Office , government , congress , watchdog , oversight , government watchdog , GAO-17-416 , Memory Supplements , CFSAN , Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition , DSHEA , Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 , FDA , Food and Drug Administration , FTC , Federal Trade Commission , HHS , Department of Health and Human Services , NDI , new dietary ingredient , SARS , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
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