Catalase is an enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has been the subject of a number of studies in relation to the oxidative damage it causes, particularly in the context of hair structure and pigmentation (hair color). While the direct effects of supplementing catalase require further study, the process of supporting anti-peroxide activity to maintain existing hair color is more widely accepted.
Pantothenic Acid
Pantothenic acid, otherwise known as vitamin B5, is sourced from either your diet or through supplementation. Pantothenic acid also affects adrenal gland health, and the adrenal gland produces hormones that help our body deal with stress. This is why some people who deal with heavy stress are more likely to benefit from supplementation of vitamin B5.
Healthy levels of nutritional copper appear to support the activity of tyrosinase, an enzyme responsible for pigment production. Foligray contains a healthy dosage of copper to further support the process of gray hair nourishment.
The Fo-Ti plant, indigenous to China, has been used by Chinese cultures for centuries as a means to promote general health and in anticipation of aging. Its benefits, although not yet scientifically reinforced by western studies, are believed to extend through a vast range of processes including support for natural hair growth and hair pigmentation. Although generally consumed as tea, extract, juice, or tonic forms, Fo-Ti is also available in a supplement form, which is used in the Foligray formula.
Posted by rafael.nijs on 2020-05-13 20:20:28
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