Vitamins at IIN – to keep us healthy and productive! From left to right, we have…
EPA-DHA: Omega 3 fatty acids which promote brain and cardiovascular health, healthy skin and have anti-cancer properties.
Adrenogen: Provides nutrients that support adrenal function. Adrenal glands produce stress hormones, steroid hormones and blood pressure-regulating hormones.
Vitamin C: Powerful antioxidant that also recharges other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, to keep them potent. First line of defense in plasma against free radicals.
Echinacea: Fights inflammation and bacterial and viral infection. Stimulates certain white blood cells. Good for the immune system and the lymphatic system.
Zinc: Helps fight and prevent the formation of free radicals. Relieves symptoms of the common cold and reducing the duration of colds.
Oil of Oregano: Works as a natural antibiotic and as an antiviral. It has high levels of antioxidants and works against Candida.
Posted by nutritionschool on 2011-06-08 14:30:16
Tagged: , nutrition , health , health coaching , vitamins , supplements